We took another big step towards a more just world this week: 1,600 internal documents from a decade of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations – the Palestine Papers – were leaked to news giant Al Jazeera.
For one, increasing global awareness of what is really going on in the Middle East will help ease the plight of the Palestinian people. As these leaks confirm, the decades long conflict has been a one-sided fight with Israel continually disrupting the peace process so they can keep using violence while usurping Palestinian land.
As well, reinforcing Wikileaks’ founder Julian Assange’s belief that courage is contagious, Al Jazeera has opened their own channel for whistle-blowers via The Transparency Network. For far too long, the hypocrisy and underhandedness from members of the worlds’ governments has mostly been unaccounted for, up until now.
Best of all, these leaked documents point to a broader theme – that of a social revolution taking place all around the world. We’re becoming self-aware as a species, giving us a lens wide enough to see major injustices as they happen.
The days where the world’s people are ruled by despotic dictators and oppressive oligarchies will soon be coming to an end. We’re taking the power back!
The repercussions from a world full of empowered people will be amazing:
- We’ll manifest a powerful, pluralist global cooperative that works together to better the entire planet.
- The influence of an empowered human race will surpass that of the world’s ultra-rich and the mega-corporations, ensuring the fruits of humankind’s labor get distributed more equally.
- United, we’ll be able to dismantle the war machine and forever end institutionalized armed conflict – world peace, baby, world peace.
What a glorious time to be alive!